Hi, welcome to this website.

I am Ovi and I am an independent security researcher. On this site, you will find my writings and research regarding hacking, security research and human rights. I mostly cover advanced persistent threats, hostile governments, surveillance, privacy violations & corporate greed.

My work centralizes around exposing corporate injustices, attacks to citizens by hostile governments and decentralization. I stand by the values of the cypherpunk’s manifesto in creating anonymous transaction systems and protecting our right to privacy. I am curious and passionate about exploring human rights, privacy, open society, open-source, open-protocol and commons.

I believe that hacking has the power to change the digital landscape for the people; true hackers, those who are driven by the pursuit of justice, freedom and human rights - have the power to expose the vulnerabilities of oppressive systems and ignite a revolution of change.

I am entirely independent, and I do not work for corporations. My work is either exclusively created by me for the betterment of society, or in collaboration with non-profit human/digital rights groups.

Since my work is independent, I have created a way to engage with readers of this site actively. By signing up, it allows me to engage with fellow researchers, readers and people who share my values directly. You'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that's still to come. Aiming to be a private library of research and content I produce. You can also stay up to date with new research and content sent straight to your inbox. In the future, I hope to also create a community of subscribers who share the same interests.


_My journey is fueled by a deep passion for hacking, security research, and the defense of human rights. My purpose revolves around countering Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), challenging oppressive governments, battling surveillance, addressing privacy infringements, and standing up against corporate abuse. I started game hacking when I was 14, originally on counter-strike 1.6 & half-life 2. Since then have spent nearly than 20 years immersed in programming, hacking, and reverse engineering. In my early years, much to my revolt now, I fell into the delusion of working with governmental agencies and tech giants. Despite my distaste for them now, I have gained invaluable insights into the dark underbelly of government & big tech. I then went on to work in the pen-testing & bug bounty space.

Over the years, I grew tired of oppressive systems. I had a deep longing for meaningful change. I grew increasingly disheartened witnessing the relentless cycles of harm perpetuated by corporations and belligerent governments. This made me move to becoming an independent researcher, and to only work with non-profit groups. Today, my commitment revolves around advocating for the fundamental rights of humanity in the realms of digital security and privacy.

Within the non-profit sphere, I aim to provide better defense to civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). My research delves into the analysis of attacks, surveillance tactics, and privacy transgressions that bear down upon human rights. Additionally, I scrutinize security vulnerabilities inherent in the software and hardware creations of profit-driven corporations and unethical governments.

By engaging with me through this platform, you have the opportunity to align yourself with digital equity and become a part of the collective endeavor to safeguard human rights within the digital world.

As researcher working in the non-profit area, all forms of support for my work are greatly appreciated. If you like my work, the best way to support me is by subscribing to this site. This allows me to engage directly with people who read my work without the need for me to rely on media outlets and news agencies. I am to provide additional research exclusive for subscribers and maybe one day a subscription model that can help me fund my work directly from those who value it. If you subscribe, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible and allows me to continue to put out new research and writing. Thank you!

If you found any of my work helpful and wish to buy me a coffee, you can support me through one off donation here: https://ko-fi.com/0x0v1 - if you do, I thank you greatly.

Support Ovi @ 0x0v1.com on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/0x0v1
Support Ovi @ 0x0v1.com On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations