Hi, welcome to this website.
I am Ovie (Ovi), an independent technologist, hacktivist, and security researcher, not affiliated with any corporation or employed by any organization. My work is entirely self-directed and fueled by a commitment to transparency and user protection.
I focus primarily on vulnerability research, mobile security, and reverse engineering. My areas of investigation include advanced persistent threats, authoritarian government surveillance, privacy violations, and corporate greed. Through my work, I aim to expose corporate injustices, governmental abuses against citizens, and advocate for decentralization.
I stand by the values of the Cypherpunk Manifesto, working to create anonymous transaction systems and protect our fundamental right to privacy. My passion lies in exploring and defending human rights, privacy, open society, open-source, open-protocols, and the commons. I believe hacking holds the power to reshape the digital landscape in favor of the people. True hackers—those driven by justice, freedom, and human rights—possess the ability to reveal the weaknesses of oppressive systems and inspire transformative change.
Superfan supporter shoutout
Thank you for supporting independent security research!
- Dismantl
- Kaia

If you are a non-profit civil society group that are seeking security research, I am often available for contractual work.
I currently offer services which include:
- Mobile security research (pen-testing, vuln research & reverse engineering)
- Reverse engineering
- Penetration testing
- Consulting
You can contact me here, please ensure you use PGP:

As an independent researcher working in the non-profit area, all forms of support for my work are greatly appreciated. If you like my work, the best way to support me is by subscribing to this site.
If you found any of my work helpful and wish to buy me a coffee, you can support me through one off donation here:

Donation Link